Your herbal podcast companion for self, collective, and whole-Earth healing.

Meet Herba.

Hosted by Shannon Ryan, Herba is podcast in conversation with Wisdom Keepers, Lineage Holders, and Teachers of the ancestral, elemental, and plant-based spaces. 

Intentionally cultivated to explore the inner landscapes, practices, and traditions of our cherished guests, Herba further extends accessible and experienced herbal information. For all.

Hatching Spring 2024.

A podcast resource in action with herbalists and planet-friendly folk.

Explore, share, remember, and celebrate how humans have moved and healed with plants throughout time.

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Honoring the deep roots of tradition and lineage.

Nourishing the seeds of new thought and vision.

We are for the plants.

We are for the planet.

We are for the people.

We believe in true abundance and wellbeing for all.

~ Herba